Childcare and Early Years Provision (2004+)
- Description
Consists of 2 series: (1) Parents and (2) Providers. The Parents' Survey provides data on parents' take-up, views and experiences of childcare. Families in England were randomly selected from the Child Benefit Records and all parents had children aged 0-14 years. They were asked about their use & experiences of childcare for all children in the family and to give more detailed information about childcare for a particular child (selected at random where there was more than 1 child in the family). The current Parents' Survey series replaces 2 previous surveys: the Survey of Parents of Three and Four Year Old Children and Their Use of Early Years Services (conducted between 1997 & 2002) and the Parents' Demand for Childcare (conducted in 1999 & 2001). The Providers' Survey monitors the characteristics & development of childcare & early years providers and the workforce in England. Information was collected on the number & characteristics of providers, the characteristics of the children enrolled, workforce composition, qualifications & training, recruitment and retention, and business operation. To obtain a free account please register with the UKDA.
- Sample
- Format
- Series - ongoing
- Country
- United Kingdom
- Title
- Childcare and Early Years Provision (2004+)
- Format
- Series - ongoing