Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention, December 2020, Quarter 4; 2022 [Indonesia]
- Description
During the course of 2020, Indonesia's economy was severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. UNHCR expanded their existing cash programme and provided several Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) as part of the COVID-19 emergency response 5,823 refugees were supported with cash assistance in three rounds during the last 6 months of 2020. The CBI Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) was conducted in December 2020 to assess the outcomes of the intervention. UNHCR uses Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) as a mechanism to collect refugees' feedback on the quality, sufficiency, utilization and effectiveness of the assistance items they receive. The underlying principle behind the process is linked to accountability, as well as a commitment to improve the quality and relevance of support provided. UNHCR increasingly uses Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs) as a preferred modality for delivering, offering greater dignity and choice to forcibly displaced and stateless persons in line with assistance UNHCR's core protection mandate. In order to ensure that the cash assistance provided meets the intended programme objectives and that desired outcomes are achieved, UNHCR conducts regular post-distribution and outcome monitoring with a sample or all of refugee recipients.
The survey covered the following sections:
1. Household demographics
2. Receiving and spending the cash assistance (basic facts)
3. Risks and problems: Did people face problems with the CBI? Did the CBI put POCs at additional risk?
4. Markets and prices: Can POCs find what they need, and at a price they can afford, in the markets?
5. Expenditure: What did people spend the money on?
6. Outcomes: What changes is the cash assistance contributing to in POC households?
7. Longer-Term Outcomes: Has the cash assistance helped put POC on the pathway to sustainable solutions?
8. Accountability to Affected Persons: Is the CBI intervention accountable to persons of concern? (What preferences do people have over how assistance is delivered?)2022 is separate.
- Sample
- Format
- Series - completed
- Country
- Indonesia
- Title
- Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention, December 2020, Quarter 4; 2022 [Indonesia]
- Format
- Series - completed