Aysaita and Berhale refugee camps are situated in Afar regional state, north-east part of Ethiopia. The 2017 SENS was a follow up to the previous surveys conducted in July/Aug 2015 and Sep/Oct 2016. The overall objective of the health and nutrition survey was to assess the general health and nutrition status of the refugee population and formulate workable recommendations for appropriate nutritional and public health interventions. Anthropometry and health, anaemia, Infant and young child feeding (IYCF), food security, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) modules following the UNHCR SENS guidelines and mortality module following the SMART methodology were covered in both camps. Mosquito net coverage module was not conducted since both camps lie in malaria free zone and mosquito net has never been distributed here. Simple random sampling technique was used during data collection. The data was collected using SMART phones pre-installed with Open Data Kit facility (ODK).
The SENS covered the following topics:
- Infants: Infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices
- Children: Anthropometry and health, anaemia
- Women: health, anaemia
- Households: food security, water sanitation and hygiene