Longitudinal Socioeconomic Study of Refugees and Host Communities 2022-2023 Wave 1 Kenya
- https://microdata.worldbank.org/index.php/catalog/6409
- Description
This cross-sectional survey was conducted with refugee and host community households in Dadaab, Kakuma, Kalobeyei, Nairobi, Nakuru and Mombasa and was conducted between 12 May 2022 to 13 June 2023.
The World Bank in collaboration with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the University of California-Berkeley conducted a cross-sectional survey on refugee and host populations living in camp (Dadaab, Kakuma and Kalobeyei) and urban (Nairobi, Nakuru and Mombasa) locations. This dataset contains information from wave 1 which is part of a panel survey that targets refugees and their hosts communities. Enumerators were trained in a participatory approach where they learned how to collect data specific for refugees as well as nationals. Data quality monitoring was conducted daily during data collection to provide feedback to the field team and correct any arising errors. Data was collected with computer Aided Personal Interviews (CAPI) technique through the Ipsos iField software.
The sample is representative of camp based (Dadaab, Kakuma and Kalobeyei) refugees and their host communities in Turkana and Garissa; and urban based (Nairobi, Mombasa and Nakuru) refugees and their host communities. Refugees were sampled from two frames, the UNHCR registration database proGress and the Socioeconomic Surveys (SES Kakuma, Kalobeyei and Nairobi) in two stages. An overlapping frames correction was used to account for observations with a positive probability of being selected from either frame. Hosts were sampled using a two-step cluster design, whereby a set of Enumeration Areas (EAs) and replacement EAs was drawn with probability proportional to size (PPS) from the universe of eligible EAs. Subsequently, a listing exercise was carried out to eliminate ineligible households including households where one member was registered with UNHCR as a refugee or asylum seeker. In the second stage, 10 households and a list of 5 replacements for the case of non-response was drawn for each selected EA using simple random sampling.
Targeted modules on women empowerment and child education were administered to women aged 15 and above and 5th grade children, respectively. A part of the education module was also answered to the child’s caregiver (adult 18 years and above). Unlike other modules, the education module was only implemented in the Kakuma, Kalobeyei, and Dadaab refugee strata and the Turkana and Dadaab host community strata. Targeted modules were also administered to a ‘representative respondent’, a randomly drawn adult from the household, covering employment, migration, savings and mental health.
The dataset contains four files. hhm.dta contains data at the level of the individual for all household members. Each household member is uniquely identified by ‘hhid’ and ‘hhmemid’. hr.dta contains household level information. rr.dta contains data at the representative respondent level. wer.dta contains data for the women empowerment module. The ‘hhid’ variable uniquely identifies all households.
This survey was conducted between May 2022 to June 2023. It comprises a sample of 9,304 households in total, of which 5,840 are refugees and 3,464 are hosts.
Further information on the Kenya Analytical Program on Forced Displacement can be found on the following dashboard: https://www.worldbank.org/en/data/interactive/2024/06/18/dashboard-kenya - Sample
- Format
- Series - ongoing
- Country
- Kenya
- Title
- Longitudinal Socioeconomic Study of Refugees and Host Communities 2022-2023 Wave 1 Kenya
- Format
- Series - ongoing