152. South Africa National Antenatal Sentinel HIV and Syphilis Prevalence Survey (2000+) Bookmark Format Series - ongoing
153. South Africa National HIV Prevalence, Incidence, Behavior and Communication Survey (SABSSM) (2002+) Bookmark Format Series - ongoing
161. South Africa - Survey of Activities of Young People (1999, 2010, 2015, 2019) Bookmark Format Series - ongoing
169. South Sudan - High Frequency Survey: Wave 4 and Crisis Recovery Survey 2017 Bookmark Format Series - ongoing
175. Tanzania - Education Quality Improvement Programme Impact Evaluation Bookmark Format Series - ongoing
177. Third International Mathematics and Science Study: International Curriculum Analysis, 1992-1995 (TIMSS) Bookmark Format Series - ongoing
178. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) (1995+) Bookmark Format Series - ongoing
183. United Nations Surveys of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (1970+) Bookmark Format Series - ongoing