101. Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations: Modelling Food and Diet, 2020-2050 Bookmark Format Single study
103. Changes in cardiovascular risk and clinical outcomes in a HIV/AIDS cohort study over a one-year period at a specialized clinic in Mexico Bookmark Format Single study
104. Characteristics of Municipios: Data from the 1950 and 1960 Censuses of Mexico Bookmark Format Series - completed
108. Chile Encuesta Nacional de Caracterización Socio-económica (CASEN) 2015 Bookmark Format Single study
110. Chile - OER effectiveness in higher education mathematics skills 2014-2015, ROER4D Sub-project 9 Bookmark Format Single study
111. Chile - The effectiveness of OER use in developing students’ mathematical skills: A case study of first- and second-year higher education students in Chile, ROER4D Sub-project 9 Bookmark Format Single study