261. Public Attitudes to Price Fixing and Cartel Enforcement in Britain, Germany, Italy and the United States, 2014 Bookmark Format Series - completed
263. Public Opinion and Foreign Policy in the United States, China, India, Australia, and South Korea, 2006 Bookmark Format Single study
264. Public Opinion and the Syrian Crisis in Three Democracies: Surveys of French, British, and American Samples, 2014 Bookmark Format Series - completed
269. Public Opinion Polling (School Assignment Policies) in the Upper South - 2015 - Bookmark Format Single study
270. Public Perceptions of Air Pollution and its Health Impacts in Greater Kuala Lumpur Bookmark Format Single study
272. Public survey on priorities and preferences in developing locally driven sea level rise plans in eastern coastal states in December 2017 Bookmark Format Single study
273. Public Understanding of Science and Technology, NSF 1979-2006 Bookmark Format Series - completed
274. Purdue Opinion Panel Polls of American Teenagers (Roper Ipoll) (1945-1974) Bookmark Format Series - completed
276. Quantitative and qualitative explanations of electoral change in rural and urban India Part 1: Tamil Nadu 2016, Assembly election post poll survey Bookmark Format Single study